Tacoma Public School is a “Kids Matter” school which has been an integral part of the local community for well over one hundred years. It is a dynamic well-resourced school located above the banks of the Wyong River.
At Tacoma Public School teachers, parents and children strive for the pursuit of excellence in a safe, caring and friendly environment. We work cooperatively to enable children to thrive in a quality learning environment that develops respect, understanding and responsibility.
The school has nine classrooms and a library, all with interactive boards and mobile technology utilising a school-wide integrated wireless network. A school hall allows students to showcase their creative talents. At present, there are 198 students enrolled, with Kindergarten numbers increasing each year. The school has experienced, dedicated, caring teachers who provide high-quality excellent education programs in well-managed learning spaces. We are fortunate to have two trained Reading Recovery teachers who assist the student with difficulties in literacy. Ongoing professional development of staff ensures the application of current best practice.
Strong student welfare structures and the alignment of resources to school priority areas ensure that students perform to their potential. Our teachers make accommodations and adjustments for students with special needs and our students support each other in their daily work at school. Tacoma Public School promotes the knowledge and values that students need to lead productive and rewarding lives.
An active P & C supports the school in many ways and provides an avenue for parents, staff and community members to have input into school policy and decision making. Tacoma Public School is a proud member of the Wadalba Learning Community.
Tacoma school song
By the Wyong River Tacoma school does stand,
Where learning and friendship go hand in hand.
We'll strive to make our school the best in all the land
And tell the world that we are proud to call Tacoma home.
Tacoma Public is our school
Where we learn of the Golden Rule
We help each other in everything we give
To make our world a better place, in harmony to live.